


I am re-releasing
three of my personal best
to whomever would like to listen
under my new moniker,
Duane Almond.

I am re-releasing them
so I can submit them to music blogs.

High Lights:
01. Nite Light 2:05
02. Dirty Blonde 2:07
* High Lights was created on a cold afternoon last January.. and is mainly composed of me playing keyboards and electric guitar.

<a href="">Nite Light by Duane Almond</a>

Pool House
01. Pool House 4:13
02. The Build/What About the City 6:38
*Pool House was one of my first recordings with a borrowed Fostex MR-8 ouside on my back patio, back in July of 09.

<a href="">Pool House by Duane Almond</a>

01. Rain/Boat 13:32
* Rainboat is a set of songs, melted together at the seam at a time when I was experimenting with my slide on the electric and new effects pedals with rhythm clapping.

<a href="">Rain/Boat by Duane Almond</a>

Enjoy High Lights/Pool House/Rainboat (Click to DL zip of all)

NOTE: This file is a zip file, so if you need any help downloading and playing this song I have added instructions under 'My Update' at the left of the screen.


I am very, very trilled to share
Mature Fruit,
my first release
using the moniker,
Duane Almond.

I received a lot of
help and contribution
from Kris on majority of the songs.

This collection of songs was recorded
during the month of
March, 2010.

Track Listings: 
01. Break & Take a Vacation 2:25
02. Soft Core 3:19
03. Highway Fly 0:55
04. Shoo Shoo 1:48
05. Thick Coat 3:02
06. Spring Roll 2:36
07. I'm Your Dreams 3:29

<a href="">Break &amp; Take a Vacation by Duane Almond</a>

Enjoy Mature Fruit (Click to DL entire release)

NOTE: This file is a zip file, so if you need any help downloading and playing this song I have added instructions under 'My Update' at the left of the screen.





Finally got clothes for our wedding.
Yellow, White and Grey.


BESTIES: 04/09-11/10

Tripped to Denton
to see Power Animal
w/ Thom.

Baby Aida's bday celebration
in Killeen
w/ Kris and Evie.

Sundae jam
and walking in the woods
w/ Thom.

Besties is a section composed of the best candid/random photos. 
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So it has been close to
a month since my last post..
so sad.

Things I will try very hard to post this week:
New photos
from last couple weekends
and of new clothes Kris and I purchased.
New EP from March entitled 'Mature Fruit'.
Image of my newly designed
wedding invites and announcements.